European Commission adopts measures to restrict intentionally added microplastics

The European Commission confirmed on Monday 25th September that they have now completed the adoption of the REACH restriction on the sale of intentionally added microplastics. The new restriction is intended to dramatically reduce the release of these materials into the environment. The restriction uses a broad definition of microplastics and covers all synthetic polymer […]

Recycling Facilities for Synthetic Turf Systems in Europe – New Release

ESTC is pleased to share some great news, with the launch of a new industry Guide: ‘Recycling Facilities for Synthetic Turf Systems in Europe’ ! This guide aims to provide comprehensive information on companies in Europe that are actively offering recycling services for synthetic turf systems. It includes a location map infographic highlighting these companies, along with […]

Statement in Defence of the Synthetic Turf Industry against Antitrust Allegations

ESTC is aware of the recent news regarding the European Union’s antitrust watchdog raid on companies operating in the synthetic turf industry. While we cannot comment on specific cases or companies involved, we firmly believe in the importance of fair competition and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. As a representative of the synthetic […]

ESTC Board elects Chair and Vice Chair

At their last meeting of the year, held on December 7 in Düsseldorf, the ESTC Board of Directors elected the new Chair and Vice Chair to the Executive Committee, for the coming 2 years. ESTC is pleased to announce that Colin Young (Ten Cate Grass) was elected Chair and Paul Fraser (Tarkett Sports) Vice Chair. Colin Young […]

ESTC comments on the proposed ban on sale of microplastic infill

ESTC identifies risks and opportunities from the proposed ban on the sale of infill materials classified as intentionally added microplastics ESTC (the EMEA Synthetic Turf Council) notes the publication of the European Commission’s recommendations on the introduction of restrictions for the placing of intentionally added microplastics onto the European market (Annex XVII REACH1).  The Commission’s […]

PAH content of infill materials : EU regulation becomes effective today

July last year, the European Union (EU) published Regulation (EU) 2021/1199  controlling the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content of infill materials. The law becomes effective from today 9th August 2022. This means that all infills made from: rubber or other vulcanized or polymeric material of recycled or virgin origin, or obtained from a natural source, must not have […]

UK REACH publishes work programme for 2022-2023

On June 30, 2022, UK Reach published its work programme for 2022/23.   . This includes topics that will be of interest to ESTC members operating in the UK market as follows. Priorities for the 2022-2023 UK Reach Work Programme  1. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Description of proposal A proposal to investigate the risks of […]

Draft German test method to determine microplastics emissions due to wear

The German based Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V.(Landscape Development and Landscaping Research Association) (FLL) have been working with the German synthetic turf industry to develop a test method to assess the potential for synthetic turf fibre yarns to wear and create microplastics. The researchers have published their draft test method and are currently inviting comments […]

The EC adopts revised recommendation on the use of PEFs

Product Environmental Footprints (PEF) are the method of environmental life cycle analysis that the European Commission has developed for products and services being placed onto the European market.  The PEF method measures and communicates  the environmental performance of goods, services and organisations across their whole lifecycle. They cover 16 environmental impacts, including climate change, and […]