Why ECHA has asked for a supplementary opinion
The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has requested its Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) to prepare a supplementary opinion on the restriction dossier on intentionally added microplastics with regards to polymeric infill used in third-generation synthetic turf fields. We would like to share some background and context as to why this request was made. Since the delivery […]
FIH releases new Hockey Turf & Field Standards for 2021
The International Hockey Federation (FIH) is pleased to announce that the FIH Quality Programme – which is designed to ensure good quality hockey facilities are built for all levels of play, from elite level competition to community development – has released the latest updates to its Hockey Turf & Field Standards for 11-a-side fields and […]
ECHA asks RAC to prepare a supplementary opinion
ESTC is pleased to learn that the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has asked their Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) to prepare a supplementary opinion on the proposed restriction on intentionally-added microplastics with respect to polymeric infills used in synthetic turf sports fields. The request has been made so that RAC can consider new documents that have […]
World Rugby accepts lower pile height
World Rugby has announced that it now also accepts synthetic turf carpets with 50mm pile height for testing to be officially approved as a rugby surface. A 50mm pile-height is particularly popular for synthetic turf used in multisport and community venues. According to the governing body, by accepting 50mm carpets, it will be easier for […]
Football Foundation firm on Recycling
The Football Foundation in the UK is taking a proactive approach to whenever they grant aid a project that involves the resurfacing or conversion of an existing synthetic turf pitch. Framework members bidding for projects will only be able to use the services of recycling companies using approved methods of recycling for the disposal of […]
ESTC members join FIFA TAG
FIFA licensees have voted for five representatives of ESTC members to represent them licensees at the FIFA Technical Advisory Group meetings. Massimo Seghezzi (Radici), Friedemann Söll (Polytan), Chris Vandenborre (Lano Sport), Ruben Paños (Mondo) and Güşan (Hatko) were selected from a list of nine possible candidates. The presence of the five licensee representatives, plus the […]
Microplastics restriction proposal : SEAC’s opinion
The European Chemical Agency’s (ECHA) Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) met Tuesday (8th December) to finalise and adopt its opinion on a restriction proposal to control the use of intentionally added microplastics. Following an extensive consultation process, based on their draft opinion published in June, SEAC is understood to have retained the two possible options […]
Investment in RMMs the right thing to do
As third-generation synthetic turf fields will be around for many years, an investment in risk management measures (RMMs) is the right thing to do, and, in fact, is a legal obligation. During a webinar hosted by ESTC Affiliate Member BSNC from the Netherlands, Director General Stefan Diderich reminded delegates of their duty of care. “Protecting […]
Infill dispersion can be managed
A combination of appropriate field design, good maintenance routines and improved player’ hygiene can limit infill dispersion to only 2g/m2, says Swedish consultancy firm Ecoloop. Earlier this year, ESTC commissioned Ecoloop to undertake a study to describe typical use of synthetic turf fields in the EU and to quantify the extent of infill transport due […]
5 Days left to answer 5 questions
Please don’t forget that ECHA’s deadline to respond to the draft opinion of its Socio-Economic Analysis Committee (SEAC) on the restriction dossier on intentionally added microplastics, expires on 1st September 2020. Those wishing to convince SEAC that the market is not ready yet to do away with polymeric infill for third generation synthetic turf fields, […]