The German based Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V.(Landscape Development and Landscaping Research Association) (FLL) have been working with the German synthetic turf industry to develop a test method to assess the potential for synthetic turf fibre yarns to wear and create microplastics. The researchers have published their draft test method and are currently inviting comments on their work. Comments should be submitted in writing to the FLL office ( by 31 August 2022.
The test method has also been submitted to CEN TC 217 for consideration and inclusion in the new European Standard EN 15330-6 Surfaces for sports areas – Synthetic turf sports surfaces, Part 6: Specification for synthetic turf carpets, that is currently under development. Once the drafting of prEN 15330-6 has been completed, it will be published for public comment following the normal CEN Enquiry protocols. This will give the industry a second chance to review and comment on the draft test method.