ECHA has opened the window for a public consultation on the SEAC Draft Opinion on the Microplastics REACH restriction. This is the final opportunity to comment on what is proposed. Together with the SEAC draft opinion, ECHA also published the final opinion by the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC). As previously advised, RAC is recommending a ban on the sale of polymeric infills, to be implemented after a six year transitional period.
With SEAC currently not expressing a firm opinion on whether a ban or derogation based on risk management methods (containment) is most appropriate, ESTC is hopeful that SEAC can still be convinced to either maintain this position or opt for derogation.
We need your input!
If you can provide further reasons why a ban should not be introduced, or provide evidence that containment will achieve the objectives of the restriction, especially beyond what has already been said, it will help us promote our argument.
Send your feedback to by 14 August latest to allow ESTC’s Technical Director Alastair Cox to formulate an industry response.
Next step
The final opinions by RAC and SEAC will be used by the European Commission in their discussions directly with the Member States. ESTC has produced this to flyer explain you the process.
ESTC will continue to lobby for derogation based on risk management methods (containment). We are speaking directly with member states on this matter and we have commissioned a report from Swedish environmental consultants that have expertise in this area.
With the CEN Technical Report on Methods of Minimizing Infill Migration from Synthetic Turf Fields to be published on 22nd July, the industry will soon have all the tools to promote this preferred option. All that is left is to convince SEAC and the European Commission that polymeric infill dispersion can be controlled this way.