GBN AGR officially certified to recycle end-of-use synthetic turf

GBN AGR has received the first unique certificate for the recycling process of End of Life artificial grass from Kiwa. The certification process is conducted by quality assurance institute Kiwa. Kiwa is an autonomous global organization in Testing, Inspection and Certification. Kiwa is strictly independent and not involved in manufacturing, trading or other activities that […]
Infill dispersion can be managed

A combination of appropriate field design, good maintenance routines and improved player’ hygiene can limit infill dispersion to only 2g/m2, says Swedish consultancy firm Ecoloop. Earlier this year, ESTC commissioned Ecoloop to undertake a study to describe typical use of synthetic turf fields in the EU and to quantify the extent of infill transport due […]
5 Days left to answer 5 questions

Please don’t forget that ECHA’s deadline to respond to the draft opinion of its Socio-Economic Analysis Committee (SEAC) on the restriction dossier on intentionally added microplastics, expires on 1st September 2020. Those wishing to convince SEAC that the market is not ready yet to do away with polymeric infill for third generation synthetic turf fields, […]
The value World Rugby sees in ESTC

World Rugby has become the latest ESTC affiliate. Marc Douglas of World Rugby explains the value they see in joining the governing body for the synthetic turf industry. With all the major suppliers in the synthetic turf value chain, as well as all the major sports governing bodies already being members, it makes logical sense […]
Superior Limonta Sport rugby field for Asd Pesaro Rugby

Asd Pesaro Rugby was founded in 1969 thanks to Tonino Uguccioni, the quintessential President who in 2007 was awarded the “Golden Oval” (Ovale d’oro) by the Italian Rugby Federation, an accolade reserved for those individuals who work to develop rugby. The club, currently in the Second Division, played in the top Championship Division for the […]
ESTC Letter to the members released

The latest issue of our ‘Letter to the members’ has been released! This edition of the quarterly newsletter updates members about the latest developments regarding polymeric and biodegradable infills, the FIFA Technical Advisory Group meeting, activities within the ESTC Working Groups, and achievements by members. Being the sole industry body for the synthetic turf industry […]
ESTC Congress 2020

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ECHA publishes SEAC draft opinion

ECHA has opened the window for a public consultation on the SEAC Draft Opinion on the Microplastics REACH restriction. This is the final opportunity to comment on what is proposed. Together with the SEAC draft opinion, ECHA also published the final opinion by the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC). As previously advised, RAC is recommending a […]
Opening up about the end of use

The ESTC End of Use Working Group reflects the entire synthetic turf value chain. Its purpose is to collect and build on the experience and best practices to recapitalise on old synthetic turf. Working Group chairman Eric O’Donnell reports. The recycling and removal of synthetic turf has become a hot topic in recent debates. With […]
Risk minimization by irradiation to ultraviolet light

Recreational Systems International can confirm that its Rhenac Sports LED UV-C 600 technology is effective in disinfecting lawns. The mobile RHENAC UVC 600 lawn disinfector has been used for years to prevent the development of algae, fungi and other lawn diseases on sports turf. The system is working with UVC light, which is fundamentally suitable […]