IGOID Group. University of Castilla-La Mancha

The IGOID Group is a R&D+I laboratory and testing institute specialising in sports surfaces and sports performance in football, linked to the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain. It is currently a FIFA, WR, FIH and FIBA testing institute. IGOID coordinate several international research projects on player-surface interaction and about circular economy in sports surfaces […]
ISP – Institut für SportStättenprüfung

ISP GmbH – Institut für Sportstättenprüfung is an independent laboratory, based in Münster, Germany. ISP is specialised in the field of testing indoor and outdoor sports surfaces, such as synthetic surfaces, artificial turf systems, sport hall flooring systems and playground surfaces. ISP is accredited according to ISO 17025 and by the following sport governing bodies: […]

AITEX is a leading research and innovation centre and provider of advanced technical services to the textile industry. The Institute has a network of nine international offices providing cover for its associates and clients in fifty countries, and this has led to the Institute becoming one of Europe’s leading research centres. AITEX research work has […]
Labor Lehmacher Schneider GmbH

Located in the heart of Europe and with over 30 years of sports facility testing experience Labor Lehmacher | Schneider offers a comprehensive range of testing, research and development services which may be commissioned for laboratory or on site application. The range of testing includes specific domestic standards as well as international Federation standards from […]
Ghent University – ERCAT

ERCAT is the artificial turf research and testing centre at the Centre for Textile Science and Engineering (Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering) of Ghent University and offers you lab tests and field tests, certified by FIFA, FIH and World Rugby. ERCAT is more than a testing laboratory and for many years the department […]
Sports Labs Ltd

Sports Labs are the leading international experts in sports surface testing and its development. Our expertise spans field, track and court testing for the stadiums of the elite professional clubs to local authorities facilities and private community facilities. We also operate a consultancy practice that specialises in the design, procurement, tendering and project management of […]
Kiwa ISA Sport

The Netherlands based Instituut voor Sportaccommodaties known as Kiwa ISA Sport, is an independent professional body specialising in certification testing of synthetic sports surfaces under laboratory conditions and on installed systems. Kiwa ISA Sport was founded by the Dutch Olympic Committee in 1959. Since 2011, ISA Sport has belonged to the Kiwa Enterprise, a group […]
Labosport International

Labosport is the leading independent laboratory devoted solely to the testing of synthetic sports surfaces and sports equipment. Our testing services include the assessments of synthetic turf pitches (hockey, football, rugby and multi-sports), athletics tracks, tennis courts, netball and basketball courts, multi-sports areas, sports hall floorings and playground surfacing. Founded in 1993 Labosport has offices […]