ESTC Technical Day 2024

The ESTC Technical Day 2024 is scheduled to take place on October 14-15 at the Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport Hotel. This year’s theme is “Building a Sustainable Future”, focusing on innovative solutions and strategies to advance sustainability in the synthetic turf industry.

Conference topics include 

  • Impact of the Green Claims Directive
  • Update on EU Regulations
  • PEF CR – Software Tool, Cost, and Implementation
  • PEFCR – Benefits from a Consumer Perspective
  • Update of CEN topics
  • Update from the Interest Groups & Task Forces
  • Yarn Durability – First Results of Field Testing
  • End of Life Turf
  • Update on EU Regulations

Networking event on October 14 
A networking event will be held in the evening of October 14th, the day before the ESTC Technical Day.

Please access the event website & registration via the registration form.

Note: The ESTC Technical Day is an event organized exclusively for members of ESTC.


Our event sponsors


Date:October 14, 2024
Venue:Brussels, Belgium
Format:In person event